Bootstrap tooltip aligns text to the middle by default. I'd like to align to the left. Is there any nice way of doing this within HTML, instead of modifying CSS file?
Here is my sample code:
<p rel="tooltip" title="Text in tooltip I want to align">Hover over here</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
I've already tried but it didn't work:
<p rel="tooltip" data-html="true" title="<p align='left'>Text in tooltip</p>">Hover over here</p>
Have you tried this one?
<style> p {
Note: .show is automatically added by bootstrap once the tooltip is visible.
Although officially documented (source), I do not think you should include HTML code in the tooltip title attribute. This I recommended:
html: true,
title: '<p>Text in tooltip</p>'
Also referring to paragraph by p is a bad idea, as you could have many of them in your document. Refer by an id instead:
<p id="myparagraph"> Hover over here </p>