Is there a way to store in a variable a cookie creation date? I'm using the jquery.cookie plugin. If there is not a way, I'm thinking about store in the cookie, as value, the actual time/date. It could be a solution.
<!-- Output the DateTime that the cookie is set to expire -->
However, I don't believe that there is a property to get the Creation Date, unless you were to specifically store the value itself as an additional value within the Cookie itself :
//Create your cookie
HttpCookie yourCookie = new HttpCookie("Example");
//Add an actual value to the Values collection
yourCookie.Values.Add("YourValue", "ExampleValue");
//Add a Created Value to store the DateTime the Cookie was created
yourCookie.Values.Add("Created", DateTime.Now.ToString());
yourCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30);
//Add the cookie to the collection
which you could access in your page through :
Created : @Request.Cookies["Example"].Values["Created"].ToString()
Expires : @Request.Cookies["Example"].Expires.ToString()