How to parse the URL which in the format as shown
I want to get rid of the special characters %2F
and put /
I have shared a link of an article to Facebook
but when I access this link from Facebook it comes in the format as mentioned above and the content is not properly accessed in Yii. How can I write the pattern to access this kind of URL in Yii?
Maybe you can directly decode your $_GET in your index.php file, something like:
$_GET = array_map('urldecode', $_GET);
Please be aware the above doesn't work with nested arrays, so you need to create a more in depth recursive function like (not tested though) :
function urldecodeArray($strArr){
if (!is_string($strArr) && !is_array($strArr)) {
return $strArr;
if(is_string($strArr)) {
return urldecode($strArr);
foreach ($strArr as $key=>$value) {
$strArr[$key] = urldecodeArray($value);
return $strArr;
$_GET = urldecodeArray($_GET);