This is a question about MuMaMo. If one adds to the end of the nxhtml/util/mumamo-fun.el
the following code:
(defun rst-bk-latex-directive-chunk (pos min max)
"Find math chunks. Return range and 'latex-mode.
See `mumamo-find-possible-chunk' for POS, MIN and MAX."
(mumamo-quick-static-chunk pos min max ".. math::\n\n" ".." nil 'latex-mode t))
(define-mumamo-multi-major-mode rst-bk-mumamo-mode
"Turn on multiple major modes for Python with RestructuredText docstrings."
("ReST" rst-mode
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.rst\\'" . rst-bk-mumamo-mode))
And also
(load "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/nxhtml/autostart.el")
(require 'mumamo)
(require 'mumamo-fun)
to ~/.emacs
One gets chunks between strings .. math::\n\n
and ..
be of latex-mode.
My question is — how do I make a chunk between two given regexp of the given mode?
I've added the follosing to the end of the mumamo-fun.el
;;;; ReST + math + bash + python + cl
;; LaTeX:
(defun rst-bk-mumamo-math-regexp-chunk-start (pos max)
(let ((where (mumamo-chunk-start-fw-re pos max
"\\.\\. math::\\(.?\\|\n\\)*?\n\n"
(when where
(list where 'latex-mode))))
(defun rst-bk-mumamo-math-regexp-chunk-end (pos max)
(mumamo-chunk-end-fw-re pos max
(defun rst-bk-mumamo-math-quick-regexp-chunk (pos
(mumamo-possible-chunk-forward pos max 'rst-bk-mumamo-math-regexp-chunk-start
(defun rst-bk-mumamo-math-directive (pos min max)
"Find math chunks. Return range and 'math-mode.
See `mumamo-find-possible-chunk' for POS, MIN and MAX."
(rst-bk-mumamo-math-quick-regexp-chunk pos min max))
(defun rst-bk-mumamo-math-inline-chunk (pos min max)
"Find math chunks. Return range and 'math-mode.
See `mumamo-find-possible-chunk' for POS, MIN and MAX."
(mumamo-quick-static-chunk pos min max ":math:`" "`" nil 'math-mode t))
;; bash:
(defun rst-bk-mumamo-sh-regexp-chunk-start (pos max)
(let ((where (mumamo-chunk-start-fw-re pos max "\\.\\. code-block:: bash\\(.\\|\n\\)*?\n\n")))
(when where
(list where 'sh-mode))))
(defun rst-bk-mumamo-sh-regexp-chunk-end (pos max)
(mumamo-chunk-end-fw-re pos max
(defun rst-bk-mumamo-sh-quick-regexp-chunk (pos
(mumamo-possible-chunk-forward pos max 'rst-bk-mumamo-sh-regexp-chunk-start
(defun rst-bk-mumamo-sh-directive (pos min max)
"Find math chunks. Return range and 'sh-mode.
See `mumamo-find-possible-chunk' for POS, MIN and MAX."
(rst-bk-mumamo-sh-quick-regexp-chunk pos min max))
;; python:
(defun rst-bk-mumamo-py-regexp-chunk-start (pos max)
(let ((where (mumamo-chunk-start-fw-re pos max "\\.\\. code-block:: py\\(thon\\)?\\(.\\|\n\\)*?\n\n")))
(when where
(list where 'python-mode))))
(defun rst-bk-mumamo-py-regexp-chunk-end (pos max)
(mumamo-chunk-end-fw-re pos max "\\(^[[:blank:]]+$\\|\n\\)+[^[:blank:]\n]")))
(defun rst-bk-mumamo-py-quick-regexp-chunk (pos
(mumamo-possible-chunk-forward pos max 'rst-bk-mumamo-py-regexp-chunk-start
(defun rst-bk-mumamo-py-directive (pos min max)
"Find math chunks. Return range and 'py-mode.
See `mumamo-find-possible-chunk' for POS, MIN and MAX."
(rst-bk-mumamo-py-quick-regexp-chunk pos min max))
;; cl:
(defun rst-bk-mumamo-cl-regexp-chunk-start (pos max)
(let ((where (mumamo-chunk-start-fw-re pos max "\\.\\. code-block:: cl\\(.\\|\n\\)*?\n\n")))
(when where
(list where 'emacs-lisp-mode))))
(defun rst-bk-mumamo-cl-regexp-chunk-end (pos max)
(mumamo-chunk-end-fw-re pos max "\\(^[[:blank:]]+$\\|\n\\)+[^[:blank:]\n]")))
(defun rst-bk-mumamo-cl-quick-regexp-chunk (pos
(mumamo-possible-chunk-forward pos max 'rst-bk-mumamo-cl-regexp-chunk-start
(defun rst-bk-mumamo-cl-directive (pos min max)
"Find math chunks. Return range and 'cl-mode.
See `mumamo-find-possible-chunk' for POS, MIN and MAX."
(rst-bk-mumamo-cl-quick-regexp-chunk pos min max))
(define-mumamo-multi-major-mode rst-bk-mumamo-mode
"Turn on multiple major modes for Python with RestructuredText docstrings."
("ReST" rst-mode (
Just before the (provide 'mumamo-fun)
And then in .emacs
(load "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/nxhtml/autostart.el")
;; Mumamo is making emacs 23.3 freak out:
(when (and (equal emacs-major-version 23)
(equal emacs-minor-version 3))
(eval-after-load "bytecomp"
'(add-to-list 'byte-compile-not-obsolete-vars
;; tramp-compat.el clobbers this variable!
(eval-after-load "tramp-compat"
'(add-to-list 'byte-compile-not-obsolete-vars
(require 'mumamo)
(load "mumamo-fun")
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.rst\\'" . rst-bk-mumamo-mode))
And now when I open ReST files I have:
of LaTeX mode
.. math:
of LaTeX mode
.. code-block: bash
of sh-mode, and
.. code-block: py
of python-mode.
Edit 2:
Also if one adds
("^ \\(.+\\)" 1 'font-latex-math-face)
(dolist (item
'(("\\(^\\|[^\\]\\)\\(&+\\)" 2 'font-latex-warning-face)
("\\$\\$\\([^$]+\\)\\$\\$" 1 'font-latex-math-face)
to font-latex-make-user-keywords
in font-latex.el
of AUCTeX, then one would get math-mode under .. math::
The key functions are mumamo-possible-chunk-forward
in combination with mumamo-chunk-start-fw-re
- the latter two do the regexp matching.
The following does the trick:
(defun regexp-chunk-start (pos max)
(let ((where (mumamo-chunk-start-fw-re pos max "math:\n\n")))
(when where
(list where 'latex-mode))))
(defun regexp-chunk-end (pos max)
(mumamo-chunk-end-fw-re pos max "\\.\\.")))
(defun mumamo-quick-regexp-chunk (pos
(mumamo-possible-chunk-forward pos max 'regexp-chunk-start
(defun rst-bk-latex-directive (pos min max)
"Find math chunks. Return range and 'latex-mode.
See `mumamo-find-possible-chunk' for POS, MIN and MAX."
(mumamo-quick-regexp-chunk pos min max))
(define-mumamo-multi-major-mode rst-bk-mumamo-mode
"Turn on multiple major modes for Python with RestructuredText docstrings."
("ReST" rst-mode (rst-bk-latex-directive)))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.rst\\'" . rst-bk-mumamo-mode))
I've copied the autoload stuff you provided. Frankly, I don't understand how MuMaMo major modes are supposed to be loaded. However, I was able to test the feature by manually invoking mumamo-alias-rst-bk-latex-directive
in a ReST file.
MuMaMo's API is a bit unfortunate. The functionality to match a region of the buffer is sprinkled over three separate functions, which makes it difficult to reuse. I expect that you probably want to define many regexps once you have pattern-matching working.
So here's another version which wraps everything in the marco define-quick-regexp-chunk
(defmacro define-quick-regexp-chunk (regexp-chunk-fun begin-mark end-mark mode)
(let ((regexp-chunk-start-fun (gensym))
(regexp-chunk-end-fun (gensym)))
(defun ,regexp-chunk-start-fun (pos max)
(let ((where (mumamo-chunk-start-fw-re pos max ,begin-mark)))
(when where
(list where ,mode))))
(defun ,regexp-chunk-end-fun (pos max)
(mumamo-chunk-end-fw-re pos max ,end-mark)))
(defun ,regexp-chunk-fun (pos
(mumamo-possible-chunk-forward pos max ',regexp-chunk-start-fun
;; switch to latex-mode in between "math:\n\n" ".."
;; defines a function named "rst-bk-latex-directive" which should be called by MuMaMo
(define-quick-regexp-chunk rst-bk-latex-directive "math:\n\n" "\\.\\." 'latex-mode)
(define-mumamo-multi-major-mode rst-bk-mumamo-mode
"Turn on multiple major modes for Python with RestructuredText docstrings."
("ReST" rst-mode (rst-bk-latex-directive)))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.rst\\'" . rst-bk-mumamo-mode))
It does exactly the same thing, but now I can use define-quick-regexp-chunk
to easily define many regexp-delimited regions. Note that you have to double escape the dots (.
Check out the definition of noweb2 chunk in the nxHtml sources (in /util/mumamo-fun.el) for a more advanced example of how to use MuMaMo's regexp functions.