I have a problem with liberator body-as-string function and line-seq.
(BufferedReader. (StringReader. (body-as-string ctx)))
With this curl command the function return (h1,h2\nh3,h4\nh5,h6)
instead of (h1,h2 h3,h4 h5,h6)
curl "localhost:3000/log" -X POST -H "Content-type:text/csv" -d "h1,h2\nh3,h4\nh5,h6"
I add body-as-string function :
(defn body-as-string
"Parcours le contexte de la requête pour en extraire le body"
(timbre/debug "body-as-string")
[body (get-in ctx [:request :body])]
(condp instance? body
java.lang.String body
(slurp (io/reader body))
Maybe is it an encoding problem ?
Thank you !
Your shell is probably not actually sending a newline, check this question (and its answers): How to send line break with curl?