
How to authenticate with facebook account in Plone

I'm searching for an existing Plone add-on that allows Facebook users to authenticate in Plone - version 4.x. There is plonesocial.auth.rpx but it's full of bugs and it doesn't work in Plone 4.


  • https://github.com/RedTurtle/pas.plugins.velruse

    This Plone plugin let you to enable authentication of social networks users in Plone sites, using Velruse.

    Velruse is a Pyramid application so defined:

    Velruse is a set of authentication routines that provide a unified way to have a website user authenticate to a variety of different identity providers and/or a variety of different authentication schemes.

    It is similar in some ways to Janrain Engage with the exception of being open-source, locally installable, and easily pluggable for custom identity providers and authentication schemes.

    —from Velruse documentation