I would like to parse a set of expressions, for instance:X[3]
, X[-3]
, XY[-2]
, X[4]Y[2]
, etc.
In my parser.mly
, index
(which is inside []
) is defined as follows:
| INTEGER { $1 }
| MINUS INTEGER { 0 - $2 }
The token INTEGER
etc. are defined in lexer as normal.
I try to parse an example, it fails. However, if I comment | MINUS INTEGER { 0 - $2 }
, it works well. So the problem is certainly related to that. To debug, I want to get more information, in other words I want to know what is considered to be MINUS INTEGER
. I tried to add print:
| INTEGER { $1 }
| MINUS INTEGER { Printf.printf "%n" $2; 0 - $2 }
But nothing is printed while parsing.
Could anyone tell me how to print information or debug that?
I tried coming up with an example of what you describe and was able to get output of 8 with what I show below. [This example is completely stripped down so that it only works for [1] and [- 1 ], but I believe it's equivalent logically to what you said you did.]
However, I also notice that your example's debug string in your example does not have an explicit flush with %! at the end, so that the debugging output might not be flushed to the terminal until later than you expect.
Here's what I used:
open Ytest
open Lexing
rule test =
"-" { MINUS }
| "1" { ONE 1 }
| "[" { LB }
| "]" { RB }
| [ ' ' '\t' '\r' '\n' ] { test lexbuf }
| eof { EOFTOKEN }
%token <int> ONE
%start item
%type <int> index item
ONE { 2 }
| MINUS ONE { Printf.printf "%n" 8; $2 }
item : LB index RB EOFTOKEN { $2 }
open Test;;
open Ytest;;
open Lexing;;
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in
ignore (Ytest.item Test.test lexbuf)