
Emacs colors. why it is gray on current line? zenburn theme

I installed Prelude on my emacs24. I'm using ubuntu 12.04

It worked perfectly the first time I used it, but all the next times it doesn't. On my current line the font color is gray so it's hard to see what I write. Previously it was a Bold case, keeping any color the line had for reserved words.

How can I fix this?

Gray on Cursor line

or also the empty lines with spaces are all yellow

I've been trying to fix it on the: ~/.emacs.d/elpa/zenburn-theme-20130716.1457/zenburn-theme.el file but I can't find a solution... I think the problem could be between this lines:

;;;;; hl-line-mode

`(hl-line-face ((,class (:background ,zenburn-bg-05)) (t :weight bold)))
`(hl-line ((,class (:background ,zenburn-bg-05)) ; old emacsen (t :weight bold)))



  • Important: Add to .bashrc file:

    export TERM=xterm-256color

    and I found the perfect configuration for me. Here it goes:

    ;;;;; hl-line-mode                                                              
      '(highlight ((t (:background "grey20" :foreground nil :bold t)))) ;; highligh\
    t current line                                                                  

    This way you keep every color for reserved words all bold and a gray background for the current line. Everything will be beautiful =)

    enter image description here

    enter image description here