I'm trying to prevent the default Ctrl+MouseWheel zoom behavior in Chrome with JavaScript, for the other browsers I use preventDefault()
and stopPropagation()
in the callback function for mouse-wheel event and works perfect because the other browser always trigger a mouse-wheel event but Chrome does not.
Reading the question How to catch Zoom event with GWT and Chrome I found that Ctrl + MouseWheel can be caught as a resize event but after zooming the page so I can't prevent the behavior with this one.
Is there other event created before Ctrl+MouseWheel in Chrome or is a bug?
Unfortunately, it's impossible to intercept or block the CTRL + scrollwheel (zoom) event in Chrome.
This issue is being tracked at https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=111059. Star the issue to get notified of (progress) updates.