
What is the difference between SymPy and Sage?

What is the difference between SymPy and Sage a.k.a. SageMath?


  • (Full disclosure: I am the lead developer of SymPy)

    The first thing you should understand is that SymPy and Sage are not quite the same thing. SymPy is a pure Python library, that does computer algebra. Sage is a collection of open source mathematical software. Sage tries to gather together all the major open source mathematics software, and glue it together into a useful system. In fact, Sage includes SymPy as one of its systems.

    Here is a short list of (biased) facts for each (I won't call them pros or cons, just facts):



    Maybe that's not what you were looking for. You probably wanted some actual mathematical features. But as I said, Sage includes SymPy, so by definition, every feature of SymPy will be a feature of Sage. In practice, this is not necessarily the case because Sage doesn't always use SymPy by default (I'm not sure what the current status of this is actually), so you may have to call to SymPy manually if you want to use it from within Sage.