Please, I need help, I'm creating a website, I want to put the system of followers, but I'm having trouble posting the system. I want the "index" of the site users see posts from your friends, but do not know to do this. Here's how I tried to do, I know what is wrong in this way, but I think it will help me understand.
*$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM posts WHERE userid='127' OR userid='2' ");`
//So it goes with every repitiendo "id" of my friends know what is wrong, please help me.
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
echo $row['post'] . " " . $row['userid'];
echo "<br>";
For Facebook you can use the FQL method Check them and see what suits you. For example for artist information you do something like this:
$fql = 'SELECT name,fan_count,page_id,hometown,record_label,pic_cover,pic_large,website from page WHERE type="musician/band" AND name="Rihanna"';
$ret_obj = $facebook->api(array('method' => 'fql.query','query' => $fql));
foreach ($ret_obj as $var)
//Get the information you need.
You can not use SELECT * in FB to get everything you need. You have to specify all that you need.
Similarly for twitter, check . For example this gives the last 100 tweets of a person with that particular ID.