
How do you estimate a ROI for clearing technical debt?

I'm currently working with a fairly old product that's been saddled with a lot of technical debt from poor programmers and poor development practices in the past. We are starting to get better and the creation of technical debt has slowed considerably.

I've identified the areas of the application that are in bad shape and I can estimate the cost of fixing those areas, but I'm having a hard time estimating the return on investment (ROI).

The code will be easier to maintain and will be easier to extend in the future but how can I go about putting a dollar figure on these?

A good place to start looks like going back into our bug tracking system and estimating costs based on bugs and features relating to these "bad" areas. But that seems time consuming and may not be the best predictor of value.

Has anyone performed such an analysis in the past and have any advice for me?


  • Managers care about making $ through growth (first and foremost e.g. new features which attract new customers) and (second) through optimizing the process lifecycle.

    Looking at your problem, your proposal falls in the second category: this will undoubtedly fall behind goal #1 (and thus get prioritized down even if this could save money... because saving money implies spending money (most of time at least ;-)).

    Now, putting a $ figure on the "bad technical debt" could be turned around into a more positive spin (assuming that the following applies in your case): " if we invest in reworking component X, we could introduce feature Y faster and thus get Z more customers ".

    In other words, evaluate the cost of technical debt against cost of lost business opportunities.