I'm just starting to look at Ext Direct, and I'm trying to get namespaces to work with it. However, I'm not having much luck.
Following the documentation (http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.1/#!/api/Ext.direct.RemotingProvider-cfg-disableNestedActions) I tried this:
url: 'router',
type: 'remoting',
actions: {
TestAction: {
name: 'foo',
len: 1
'TestAction.Foo': {
name: 'bar',
len: 1
namespace: 'MyApp'
However, I'm now getting the error 'object has no method bar'.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
Methods definitions must be array of objects, not objects.
This way, no error:
url: 'router',
type: 'remoting',
actions: {
TestAction: [{ // <= Here, array!
name: 'foo',
len: 1
'TestAction.Foo': [{
name: 'bar',
len: 1
namespace: 'MyApp'