How do you access the built in Compoundjs helper methods from a noeval controller?
From an eval'd controller the helper functions seem to get loaded automatically and they are just accessible by doing something like this:
before('protectFromForgery', function () {
But not sure what the best way is to access them from a non-eval'd controller.
They seem to be located in /compound/node_modules_kontroller/lib/helpers.js
Figured it out. All the built-in helper methods are just attached to the controller context object. (The variable 'c' in the following examples)
So you would do something like this:
//Example of noeval controller: app/controllers/car.js:
module.exports = CarController;
// load parent controller
var Essentials = require('./essentials');
function CarController(init) {
// call parent constructor, init);
init.before(function protectFromForgery(c) {
}, {only: 'accelerate'});
// setup inheritance
require('util').inherits(CarController, Essentials);
CarController.prototype.accelerate = function(c) {
CarController.prototype.brake = function(c) {