
JMeter - Loopback address error when launching jmeter-server on Linux

I'm trying to set up a distributed load testing environment using JMeter. I need to set up the remote clients using something portable like a Linux Live CD, but whenever I attempt to launch jmeter-server in Linux, I receive the following error...

Created remote object: UnicastServerRef [liveRef: [endpoint:[](local),objID:[3b0d3d42:12985b7a49b:-7fff, -8459389540436649718]]]
    Server failed to start: java.rmi.RemoteException: Cannot start. is a loopback address.

After extensive googling, the only remedy I can find is to edit the /etc/hosts file so the hostname maps to something other than the loopback address. I've tried this using Ubuntu, Fedora and CentOS, and apparently they all default to setting the hostname to 127.0.0.l.

The way I see it, I have four options...

1) Customize the /etc/hosts file for every remote test box I set up, which involves upwards of 20-50 dynamically DHCP-assigned IP addresses.

2) Figure out a way to force Linux itself to assign the hostname to its DHCP IP address by default. This is certainly the more graceful solution, but I have no idea how to do this. Anyone know?

3) Find and use a Linux distro available as a Live CD that doesn't map its hostname to by default. Anyone know one?

4) Dive into JMeter's code and start yanking wires, but if it comes to this, I'd just as soon use another open source tool with a slimmer feature set, but whose distributed architecture doesn't suffer from this issue.

If anyone has any advice, I'd be grateful. Thanks!


  • In latest version, you can run your script with:


    Replace with this server's IP address, i.e., the IP address that the controlling jmeter machine will use to connect to this server.