
R CMD Rserve: not found on Mac OS X

Anyone know running the command line for Rserve on Mac OS X

R CMD Rserve --no-save

generates a

/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/Rcmd: line 62: exec: Rserve: not found

(works fine on Linux)

however, starting it from an R console, as in


works fine. But I really want to start it from the command line on Mac OS X.


  • This is working for me with R 2.15.2 and Rserve "1.7-0". I am pretty sure it is because don't have the library loaded when R is starting. You can probably add library("Rserve") to your .Rprofile and it should work since it will load the library when R is started. The namespace the Rserve and run.Rserve exported.

    chinshaw$ cat NAMESPACE 
    export(Rserve, self.ctrlEval, self.ctrlSource, self.oobSend, self.oobMessage, run.Rserve)