I'm currently working with the QCalendarWidget and I need some ideas to accomplish the following.
What would be the best way to add the selecteDate from a QCalendarWidget and a number to some sort of table. What I want is basically to have a list of dates with a number attached to each date, these numbers will be added together and the result will be displayed in a QLabel, I also want to be able to delete rows and again update the QLabel every time a row is deleted.
I also want to be able to save the list to an external file.
Should I use a QStringListModel or a QTableView?
How would you accomplish this?
I'm not expecting any code just a general procedure.
Please see the attached image for more details.
Should I use a QStringListModel or a QTableView?
You may want to familiarize yourself with the model/view framework. To put it simply, a model is the actual data that you have and it is independent of how it should be displayed. A view is a particular display implementation of a model. So you could use a model like the QStandarItemModel to store your String+number data and display the model in a QTableView.
Model/View Tutorial from Qt website here QStandardItemModel class here. Has a simple example inside there.
And, for writing and reading the data to a file, I suggest you could use the QXmlStreamWriter/Reader classes. Refer to Qt xmlWriter/xmlReader