
Stack by pointers in C working except at stack underflow

I implemented stack by using pointers. It is compiling and working but it doesn't underflow when the stack is empty. It gives me some garbage value. I think the problem is something in the create_stack function. I am not getting segfaults no matter how much data is popped from the stack which is odd.

Can anyone help?

Here is my complete implementation of stack by pointers.


enum action {PUSH = 1, POP, TOP, QUIT};

typedef struct node
    int data;
    struct node *lower;


void clear_screen(void)

static enum action get_user_action(void)
    int choice = 0;
        printf("%d Push data\n"
               "%d Pop Data\n"
               "%d See the top of the stack\n"
               "%d Exit\n\n"
               "Enter your choice -> ", PUSH, POP, TOP, QUIT);
        scanf("%d", &choice);
    } while (choice != PUSH && choice != POP && choice != TOP && choice != QUIT);
    return (enum action) choice;

void create_stack(stack_node **top, int *status)
    *top = malloc(sizeof(stack_node));

    *status = PUSH - 1;
    if (*top == NULL){
        *status = PUSH;

void push(stack_node **top_stack, int *status, int data)
    *status = PUSH - 1;
    stack_node *node = malloc(sizeof(node));
    if (node == NULL)
        *status = PUSH;

    node -> data = data;
    if (*top_stack == NULL){
        node -> lower = NULL;
        node -> lower = *top_stack;
    *top_stack = node;

int pop(stack_node **top_stack, int *status)
    *status = PUSH - 1;
    if (*top_stack == NULL){
        *status = POP;
        return -1;

    stack_node *node = *top_stack;
    int data = node -> data;
    *top_stack = node -> lower;

    return data;

int see_top(stack_node **top_stack, int *status)
    *status = PUSH - 1;
    if (*top_stack == NULL){
        *status = POP;
        return -1;

    return (*top_stack) -> data;

int main(void)
    enum action choice;
    int status;

    stack_node *top = NULL;
    create_stack(&top, &status);

    if (status == PUSH)
        printf("Not enough memory\n");
        return 1;

    while ((choice = get_user_action()) != QUIT)
        int data;
        switch (choice)
        case PUSH:
            printf("Enter data to be pushed -> ");
            scanf("%d", &data);
            push(&top, &status, data);
            if (status == PUSH){
                printf("Not enough memory\n");
        case POP:
            data = pop(&top, &status);
            if (status == POP){
                printf("Stack underflow\n");
                printf("The data is %d\n", data);
        case TOP:
            data = see_top(&top, &status);
            switch (status)
            case POP:
                printf("Nothing in the stack\n");
                printf("The data at top is %d\n", data);
            assert(!"You should not have reached this.");


  • When you create the stack you allocate space for a node -- and don't fill it with anything. So after the call to create_stack() you have a blank node on your stack already. I guess you don't want that, doing just

    void create_stack(stack_node **top, int *status)
       *top = NULL;
       *status = PUSH -1;

    will work just fine. You allocate the memory during the push() call anyway any you check for top_stack == NULL during the functions. Alternatively you could have a flag in your stack node to indicate it's not used (then during push you'd not create a new one) but that's too complex for what you want here.