I am trying to create a chart (bar or line) in crystal from one table in my database (Sage CRM).
The records are as follows
CustomerId Date Invoice Amount
1234 3/4/2013 Cust Invoice 3322.00
1234 3/4/2013 Payment 2445.00
1234 4/5/2013 A/c transaction 322.00
1234 5/6/2013 interest 32.00
1234 6/6/2013 payment 643.00
So I would like to have a report that meets the following criteria
(when displaying the information for July 2012, the moving balance will be the total of all invoices prior to this date. Without this field I can create the chart no problem using select expert but I am not sure now what to do)
Should I use a cross tab? if so how will I do the selection to only show the invoices I want and the the date range I want?
After spending almost a week on this problem, with a lot of help from an expert I have finally got a solution.
In order to create a amount that is the sum of all records for a company, month and invoice type since the beginning of time, while only displaying records for the last year, I have created a SQL command
//All of the fields for the report,
from myInvoiceTable as mit
<join to any other tables for the report>
left join (
select customerID, sum(amount) as Amount
from myInvoiceTable
where Record_Type in ('Payment', 'Invoice','Interest')
and Date < {?Report Start Date}
group by customerID) movingBalance
on mit.customerID = movingBalance.customerID
where mit.RecordType in ('Payment', 'Invoice','Interest')
and mit.Date >= {?Report Start Date}
and mit.Date <= {?Report End Date}
There are a couple of tricks to using commands:
This has done the trick.