I am using Bootstrap for a web application and using bootbox (http://bootboxjs.com) for showing a window before proceeding with a delete operation.
For different delete options, I need to display different messages. I would like to show confirmation windows with different widths.
How can I do this dynamically in javascript code? I looked at everything and am unable to find a solution.
Thanks for any ideas and suggestions!
It is possible to add custom classes to bootbox windows with 'bootbox.classes'. I think you should make some standard CSS classes like small, medium, large and asign a width in CSS.
Then in every bootbox use a line like below (e.g.):
According to the the documentation bootbox.classes is a helper method, so it should work. http://bootboxjs.com/documentation.html
It seems to be taken out of the documentation, I have no clue if above method still works.
Below is another implementation to add your own class to a dialog (e.g.):
message: "I am a custom dialog",
animate: true,
* @optional String
* @default: null
* an additional class to apply to the dialog wrapper
className: "medium"