
databinder dispatch not properly handling HTTP 302 and authentication

I am using dispatch 0.11.0, Scala 2.10 and trying to get this code to work

val svc = url("https://my-server/img/cat.jpg").as(username, password)
val respBody = Http(svc OK as.Response(_.getResponseBodyAsStream))
respBody onComplete {
   case Success(stream) => {
     val fos = new"myfile.jpg")
       .continually (
       .takeWhile (-1 !=)
       .foreach (fos.write)
   case Failure(exception) => {

When the server returns 302, dispatch doesn't handle authenticaton properly and Failure was executed. The odd thing is if I point the url to a JSON endpoint which returns a 401, the authentication works just fine. I don't know why the server is setup to return 2 different statuses for unauthorized access but I need to figure out how to deal with this. Any insights will be much appreciated.

Thanks, Bob


  • Try as_!() instead of as(), it uses preemptive auth.


      def as(user: String, password: String) =
        subject.setRealm(new RealmBuilder()
      def as_!(user: String, password: String) =
        subject.setRealm(new RealmBuilder()