
Starting app engine modules in Google App Engine

App engine "modules" are a new (and experimental, and confusingly-named) feature in App Engine: Developers are being urged to convert use of the "backends" feature to use of this new feature.

There seem to be two ways to start an instance of a module: to send a HTTP request to it (i.e. at for the appname application and modulename module), or to call google.appengine.api.modules.start_module().

The Simple Way

The simple way to start an instance of a module would seem to be to create an HTTP request. However, in my case this results in only two outcomes, neither of which is what I want:

Starting via the API

The documentation says that calling start_module() with the name of a module and version should cause the specified version of the specified module to start up. However, I'm getting an UnexpectedStateError whenever I call this function with valid arguments.

The Unfortunate State of Affairs

Because I can't get this to work, I'm wondering if there is some subtlety that the documentation might not have mentioned. My setup is pretty straightforward, so I'm wondering if this is a widespread problem to which someone has found a solution.


  • It turns out that versions cannot be numeric. This problem seems to have been happening because our module's version was "1" and not (for example) "v1".