I'm using the Whenever gem with my Rails 3.2 app on an Ubuntu server. I have a monthly job that I want to run on the first day of the month, but it didn't seem to work.
I know that the code works because I ran it from the console on the server when I found it didn't run. I have other jobs that run more frequently (hourly, daily), but this one didn't run. Can someone please help me determine what I did wrong?
# schedule.rb
every 1.month, :at => "beginning of the month at 3am" do
rake "users:update_monthly"
# lib/schedule.rake
namespace :users do
task :update_monthly => :environment do
When I run crontab -l
on the server:
# Begin Whenever generated tasks for: whenever_schedule
0 3 1 * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/deploy/foo/web_head/releases/20130801200106 && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake users:update_monthly --silent'
# End Whenever generated tasks for: whenever_schedule
It looks like this is a Chronic parsing issue.
This might work:
every 1.month, :at => 'January 1st 3:00am' do
rake "users:update_monthly"
Or this:
every 1.month, :at => 'start of the month at 9am' do
rake "users:update_monthly"
It is tough because it looks like the crontab output on the server looks right.