In my application user have ability to add some records to database. I'am using UniDac 4.6.12 components.
For autoincrement field, we are using serial
PostgreSQL type and I don't touch value of this field in my application.
But, after Post
of record, the value of field is 0.
Also, I get 0 from:
Q := dmMain.aqrParts.LastInsertId;
If I refresh the dataset, record will appear with filled serial field value, but it is not comfortable way for user, because table have a lot of records, and to fetch some records to work, for user necessary to set a lot of filters.
I using this kind of properties of dataset:
object aqrParts: TUniQuery
Connection = psqlConnection
SQL.Strings = (
'SELECT * FROM parts.spareparts'
'LIMIT 200')
SpecificOptions.Strings = (
BeforePost = aqrPartsBeforePost
AfterPost = aqrPartsAfterPost
Left = 32
Top = 72
object aqrPartsId: TIntegerField
AutoGenerateValue = arAutoInc
FieldName = 'id'
Visible = False
Is it possible to solve this?
When you create a field with the serial type, PostgreSQL server automatically creates a sequence, and values from this sequence will be used as default for this field
To fill Id field automatically you can use two ways:
1) Set
aqrParts.Options.DefaultValues := True.
In this case default value for the Id field will be set to "nextval(''parts.spareparts_seq''::regclass)" and the Id field will be filled automatically.
2) Set
aqrParts.SpecificOptions.Values['KeySequence'] := 'spareparts_seq';
aqrParts.SpecificOptions.Values['SequenceMode'] := 'smInsert';
In this case field Id will be filled from this sequence.