I have been trying to get to grips with HTML5 game writing coming from an XNA / Farseer background.
It seems that box2dweb is missing ApplyLinearImpuse() and ApplyAngularImpulse() methods.
I have even looked at the source here and it seems to be the case.
Does anyone know why these methods are not provided?
Just now I needed the same thing. Fortunately the implementation or ApplyAngularImpulse
is very simple. You can add the following to your code to patch it in to box2d:
b2Body.prototype.ApplyAngularImpulse = function(impulse) {
if (this.IsAwake() == false) {
this.m_angularVelocity += this.m_invI * impulse;
b2Body.prototype.ApplyAngularImpulse = function(impulse) {
if (this.IsSleeping() == false)
this.m_angularVelocity += this.m_invI * impulse;
In general, to get at features in the C++ version that haven't been ported to the Flash or JavaScript versions, you can have a look at the original source, and port them over yourself as above. Even if you're not familiar with C++, the code is fairly approachable.