I have a TDictionary like
target_results : TDictionary<longint,double>;
After populating it I need to sort the results. I'm doing it like this
TSearchResult = TPair<longint,double>;
target_results_array : TArray<TSearchResult>;
target_results_array:= target_results.ToArray;
function(const L, R: TSearchResult): Integer
if L.Value < R.Value then Result := 1 else if L.Value > R.Value then Result := -1 else Result := 0;
It's all working as expected. My question is how do I dispose of the TDictionary and the TArray without any leaks? Currently I'm just doing
Since your data is longints and doubles, which are both value types, freeing the dictionary will work fine. Your array will contain a copy of the original values, and you don't need to worry about losing or corrupting anything.
If you had object types instead, and you had a TObjectDictionary
that owned the objects, then you'd have to worry about this sort of thing, but for purely numeric data, you're fine.