
Ruby how to write to Tempfile?

I am trying to create a Tempfile and write some text into it. But I get this strange behavior in console

t ="test_temp") # => #<File:/tmp/test_temp20130805-28300-1u5g9dv-0>
t << "Test data"              # => #<File:/tmp/test_temp20130805-28300-1u5g9dv-0>
t.write("test data")          # => 9 t.path                # => ""

I also tried cat /tmp/test_temp20130805-28300-1u5g9dv-0 but the file is empty.

Am I missing anything? Or what's the proper way to write to Tempfile?

FYI I'm using ruby 1.8.7


  • You're going to want to close the temp file after writing to it. Just add a t.close to the end. I bet the file has buffered output.