Ok, i am totally stuck and was wondering is anyone could point out what must be the obvious mistake i am making.
I am using Simperium (dev branch) in a project, and want to get a notification in my main AppDelegate if the user dismisses the authentication window.
Now in the SPAutheticationManager.m file is the following code:
- (void)cancel {
DDLogVerbose(@"Simperium authentication cancelled");
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(authenticationDidCancel)])
[delegate authenticationDidCancel];
I have set a breakpoint and this is definitely being called when the window is dismissed.
Now, i have added SPAuthenticationDelegate to my implementation in my AppDelegate, and then added the following code to AppDelegate.m
-(void)authenticationDidCancel {
NSLog(@"Authetication Cancelled");
But, this isn't getting called, and i can't work out why???
Anyone have any idea what i'm missing here?
In case anyone else hits this, there is no way to do this without implementing a custom delegate method in simperium.h and making your AppDelegate.h a delegate of it.
In simperium.h
- (void)didCancelAuth;
Then in simperium.m authenticationDidCancel method add:
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(didCancelAuth)]) {
[delegate didCancelAuth];
Then set your appDelegate as simperium's delegate and add:
- (void)didCancelAuth
//auth has been cancelled
you also need to make sure your appdelegate is a delegate by doing something like
self.simperium.delegate = self;