
find vs equal_range and performance

I am doing some tests with find, equal_range and my own binary search functions and I am having some trouble understanding why equal_range takes so long when compared with a find.

I have a sorted vector and I time the duration of the search operation. The initial idea was to see what would be the performance difference between find and equal_range but I was expecting that as the amount of data grew iterating over the vector would be worse than a binary search and that's not happening.

My code is pretty simple but I "suspect" that something is wrong in here and I don't know what.

-- EDIT -- I am doing these tests in VS2012 --

        #include "stdafx.h"
        #include <vector>
        #include <algorithm>
        #include <chrono>
        #include <iostream>
        #include <list>

        using namespace std;

        #define TIMING

        #ifdef TIMING
        #define INIT_TIMER auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
        #define START_TIMER  start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
        #define STOP_TIMER(name)  std::cout << name << ": " << \
            std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>( \
            std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()-start \
            ).count() << " ns " << std::endl; 
        #define INIT_TIMER
        #define START_TIMER
        #define STOP_TIMER(name)

        template<typename T> int mybsearch(const std::vector<T>& vec, unsigned start, unsigned end, const T& key)
            // Termination condition: start index greater than end index
            if(start > end)
                return -1;

            // Find the middle element of the vector and use that for splitting
            // the array into two pieces.
            unsigned middle = start + ((end - start) / 2);

            if(vec[middle] == key)
                return middle;
            else if(vec[middle] > key)
                return mybsearch(vec, start, middle - 1, key);

            return mybsearch(vec, middle + 1, end, key);

        template<typename Iterator, typename T> Iterator Tbsearch(Iterator& begin, Iterator& end, const T& key)
            // Keep halving the search space until we reach the end of the vector
            Iterator NotFound = end;

            while(begin < end)
                // Find the median value between the iterators
                Iterator Middle = begin + (std::distance(begin, end) / 2);

                // Re-adjust the iterators based on the median value
                if(*Middle == key)
                    return Middle;
                else if(*Middle > key)
                    end = Middle;
                    begin = Middle + 1;

            return NotFound;

        int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
            vector<int> V;
            typedef vector<int>::iterator it;
            std::pair<it,it> res;
            it val;

            list<int> L;
            typedef list<int>::iterator itL;
            std::pair<itL,itL> lpair;
            itL lval;

            for(int i=0; i<1000000; i++)


            cout << "-- find --\n";
            for(int k=0;k<10;k++)
                int look = pow(k,k);

                val = std::find(V.begin(),V.end(),look);
                STOP_TIMER("find took ")

                    cout << look << " found\n";
                    cout << look << " not found\n" ;
            cout << "-- homemade bsearch (index) --\n";
            for(int k=0;k<10;k++)
                int look = pow(k,k);

                int a = mybsearch(V, 0, V.size()-1, look);
                STOP_TIMER("find took ")

                    cout << look << " found\n";
                    cout << look << " not found\n" ;

            cout << "-- homemade bsearch (iterators) --\n";
            for(int k=0;k<10;k++)
                int look = pow(k,k);

                it f = Tbsearch(V.begin(), V.end(), look);
                STOP_TIMER("find took ")

                    cout << look << " found\n";
                    cout << look << " not found\n" ;

            cout << "-- equal range --\n";
            for(int k=0;k<10;k++)
                int look = pow(k,k);

                res = std::equal_range(V.begin(),V.end(),look);
                STOP_TIMER("equal_range took ")

                    cout << look << " found\n";
                    cout << look << " not found\n" ;

            return 0;

The output of this run is

    -- find --
    find took : 0 ns
    1 found
    find took : 0 ns
    1 found
    find took : 0 ns
    4 found
    find took : 0 ns
    27 found
    find took : 0 ns
    256 found
    find took : 0 ns
    3125 found
    find took : 0 ns
    46656 found
    find took : 2000200 ns
    823543 found
    find took : 2000200 ns
    16777216 not found
    find took : 2000200 ns
    387420489 not found
    -- homemade bsearch (index) --
    find took : 0 ns
    1 not found
    find took : 0 ns
    1 not found
    find took : 0 ns
    4 found
    find took : 0 ns
    27 found
    find took : 0 ns
    256 found
    find took : 0 ns
    3125 found
    find took : 0 ns
    46656 found
    find took : 0 ns
    823543 found
    find took : 0 ns
    16777216 not found
    find took : 0 ns
    387420489 not found
    -- homemade bsearch (iterators) --
    find took : 0 ns
    1 found
    find took : 0 ns
    1 found
    find took : 0 ns
    4 found
    find took : 0 ns
    27 found
    find took : 0 ns
    256 found
    find took : 0 ns
    3125 found
    find took : 1000100 ns
    46656 found
    find took : 1000100 ns
    823543 found
    find took : 0 ns
    16777216 not found
    find took : 0 ns
    387420489 not found
    -- equal range --
    equal_range took : 683068300 ns
    1 found
    equal_range took : 681068100 ns
    1 found
    equal_range took : 681068100 ns
    4 found
    equal_range took : 679067900 ns
    27 found
    equal_range took : 679067900 ns
    256 found
    equal_range took : 680068000 ns
    3125 found
    equal_range took : 683068300 ns
    46656 found
    equal_range took : 677067700 ns
    823543 found
    equal_range took : 680068000 ns
    16777216 not found
    equal_range took : 678067800 ns
    387420489 not found



  • In debug build in VS2012 I got

    -- equal range --
    equal_range took : 796079600 ns
    1 found
    equal_range took : 792079200 ns
    1 found
    equal_range took : 785078500 ns
    4 found
    equal_range took : 786078600 ns
    27 found
    equal_range took : 785078500 ns
    256 found
    equal_range took : 784078400 ns
    3125 found
    equal_range took : 785078500 ns
    46656 found
    equal_range took : 786078600 ns
    823543 found
    equal_range took : 784078400 ns
    16777216 not found
    equal_range took : 784078400 ns
    387420489 not found

    whereas in a release build I got

    -- equal range --
    equal_range took : 0 ns
    1 found
    equal_range took : 0 ns
    1 found
    equal_range took : 0 ns
    4 found
    equal_range took : 0 ns
    27 found
    equal_range took : 0 ns
    256 found
    equal_range took : 0 ns
    3125 found
    equal_range took : 0 ns
    46656 found
    equal_range took : 0 ns
    823543 found
    equal_range took : 0 ns
    16777216 not found
    equal_range took : 0 ns
    387420489 not found

    The iterator checks in a debug build will slow it down lots.