Or how do I make this thing work?
I have an Interval object:
class Interval(Base):
__tablename__ = 'intervals'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
start = Column(DateTime)
end = Column(DateTime, nullable=True)
task_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('tasks.id'))
@hybrid_property #used to just be @property
def hours_spent(self):
end = self.end or datetime.datetime.now()
return (end-start).total_seconds()/60/60
And a Task:
class Task(Base):
__tablename__ = 'tasks'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
title = Column(String)
intervals = relationship("Interval", backref="task")
@hybrid_property # Also used to be just @property
def hours_spent(self):
return sum(i.hours_spent for i in self.intervals)
Add all the typical setup code, of course.
Now when I try to do session.query(Task).filter(Task.hours_spent > 3).all()
I get NotImplementedError: <built-in function getitem>
from the sum(i.hours_spent...
So I was looking at this part of the documentation and theorized that there might be some way that I can write something that will do what I want. This part also looks like it may be of use, and I'll be looking at it while waiting for an answer here ;)
SQLAlchemy is not smart enough to build SQL expression tree from these operands, you have to use explicit propname.expression
decorator to provide it. But then comes another problem: there is no portable way to convert interval to hours in-database. You'd use TIMEDIFF
in MySQL, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ... ) / 3600
in PostgreSQL etc. I suggest changing properties to return timedelta
instead, and comparing apples to apples.
from sqlalchemy import select, func
class Interval(Base):
def time_spent(self):
return (self.end or datetime.now()) - self.start
def time_spent(cls):
return func.coalesce(cls.end, func.current_timestamp()) - cls.start
class Task(Base):
def time_spent(self):
return sum((i.time_spent for i in self.intervals), timedelta(0))
def hours_spent(cls):
return (select([func.sum(Interval.time_spent)])
The final query is:
session.query(Task).filter(Task.time_spent > timedelta(hours=3)).all()
which translates to (on PostgreSQL backend):
SELECT task.id AS task_id, task.title AS task_title
FROM task
WHERE (SELECT sum(coalesce(interval."end", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - interval.start) AS sum_1
FROM interval
WHERE task.id = interval.task_id) > %(param_1)s