
Email verification

I'm creating a newsletter subscription app. I want to implement email verification to prevent spam/bot signups (well, at least so I can delete them afterwards). I've been struggling with confirmation key but though of a simpler solution:

  1. User clicks submit -> is inputed into database (verified = 0)
  2. User receives generic email ("Click me to verify") -> Verified page (verified = 1)

Would this work? Are there any potential issues which might come up?


  • If your problem is Spam Bots, you should use CAPTCHA: This will help you against most of them.

    Your solution is good, if you want to prevent random user using the site, the problems that it solves is that user must put some effort in to it.

    Also if you want to save some bandwidth, you can realy go in to email checking:

    Hope it helps