
RabbitMQ queue messages

At the rabbitMQ web interface at the queue tab I see "Overview" panel where I found these:

Queued messages :

I guess what is the "Total" messages. But what is "Ready" and "Unacknowledged" ? "Ready" - messages that were delivered to the consumer? "Unacknowledged" - ?

Message rates:

And what are these messages? Especially "Redelivered" and "Acknowledge"? What does this mean?


  • Ready
    Is the number of messages that are available to be delivered.

    Is the number of messages for which the server is waiting for acknowledgement(If a client recieved the message but dont send a acknowledge yet).

    Is the sum of Ready and Unacknowledged messages.

    About your second question:

    This is the rate how many messages are incomming to the RabbitMQ server.

    This is the rate at which messages requiring acknowledgement are being delivered in response to basic.consume.

    Rate at which messages are being acknowledged by the client/consumer.

    Rate at which messages with the 'redelivered' flag set are being delivered. For example if you dont got a acknowledge message for a delivered message, you will deliver this message again.