
Dandelion Datatable + Thymeleaf + Pagination Issue

I am trying to use dandelion datatable paging with thymeleaf. I am following this link article. I am using 0.2.14 version. When I try to use

dt:paginationtype="four_button" it throws following exception.

It gives me following error

2013-08-07 16:26:59,655 ERROR [org.thymeleaf.TemplateEngine] - <[THYMELEAF][http-bio-8080-exec-9] Exception processing template "department/departmentList": 
Could not parse as expression: "four_button" 


  • Please try wrapping "four_button" with single quotes as follows:


    Note that in the upcoming v0.9.0, the single quotes won't be necessary any longer.