I am using meck to test my gen_server mymodule
. In particular I use meck to mock httpc
following the instructions provided here.
Here is some code I extracted from my test:
do_some_tests_() ->
fun start/0,
fun stop/1,
[fun do_some_stuff/1,
fun do_some_other_stuff/1
start() ->
{ok, _} = mymodule:start_link(),
_Pid = self().
stop(_) ->
do_some_stuff(Pid) ->
%% here i use meck
meck:expect(httpc, request,
fun(post, {_URL, _Header, ContentType, Body}, [], []) ->
Reply = "Data to send back"
Pid ! {ok, {{"", 200, ""}, [], Reply}}
%% here i do the post request
Any ->
?_assertMatch({ok, {{_, 200, _}, [], _}}, Any),
With this code I am able to get the tests running but there are still two things I can't understand:
1) In the results I get something like:
mymodule_test:43: do_some_stuff...ok
mymodule_test:43: do_some_stuff...ok
mymodule_test:53: do_some_other_stuff...ok
mymodule_test:53: do_some_other_stuff...ok
Is it possible to get only one line for each test instead of two?
2) How can I add a speaking description for each test?
The function do_some_stuff(Pid)
generates two tests, so it's pretty normal both are checked and displayed.
You can however add a name/description to each generator & test:
do_some_tests_() ->
fun start/0,
fun stop/1,
[{"Doing some stuff" , fun do_some_stuff/1},
{"Doing some other stuff" , fun do_some_other_stuff/1}
do_some_stuff(Pid) ->
%% [code]
{"Check 200" , ?_assertMatch({ok, {{_, 200, _}, [], _}}, Any)},
{"Check httpc" , ?_assert(meck:validate(httpc))}
This should display something in the likes of:
module 'MyModule'
Doing Some Stuff
module:57: do_some_stuff (Check 200)...ok
module:58: do_some_stuff (Check httpc)...ok
In EUnit parlance, these are know as "titles":
Any test or test set T can be annotated with a title, by wrapping it in a pair {Title, T}, where Title is a string. For convenience, any test which is normally represented using a tuple can simply be given a title string as the first element, i.e., writing {"The Title", ...} instead of adding an extra tuple wrapper as in {"The Title", {...}}.