In GWT 1.7 I have a class used to construct object on the server side which are then used on the client (browser) side.
On the client side I want to cache a service (in this case NumberFormat). This will be initialized lazily in a client-only method, and stored as a field object.
The problem is the Java (1.6) build tools interpret this field as needing to be serialized on the server side (even though it's never accessed on the server).
I could wrap the object in some hander client side but I'd rather specify an annotation to indicate the field will never need serializing for RPC transmission.
public class myCrossDomainObject {
private int someSerializedField;
private string anotherSerializedField;
private NumberFormat numberFormatterDontSerializeMe;
// rest of class ......
private transient NumberFormat numberFormatterDontSerializeMe;