
CCTray WinLogin authentication using ldap security

I have (v. 1.8.3) and CCTray (also v. 1.8.3) installed and LDAP security set up. However, when I add my build server to CCTray and select WinLogin authentication, no builds show up, and I get a login failed notification in the CCNet logs.

If I change the authentication to username/password, it works as I'd expect, however, when closing and restarting CCTray, builds show up as unknown status until I go into configuration to give things a kick. I'd also like to get the AD authentication working without manually specifying username and password because we have a custom build dashboard already using AD auth and I could secure everything through configuration as I should be able to.

Anyone have any ideas or can anyone confirm that they've been able to get AD authentication to work through CCTray or through the CCNet APIs?


  • WinLogin authentication is broken in CCTray. I'm only able to authenticate (not without problems), if the service is executed as a console application (ccnet.exe). I've never had success with the ccnet windows service (ccservice.exe). I've tried both 'via dashboard' and '.NET remoting' options - no difference.