Python newbie here.
I am looking for a way to save my python scripts online so that I can work on them from both work and at home. I would like to build some (simple) web scraping tools, using Mechanize, and perhaps Scrapy.
After doing a little bit of research, I guess that what I need is an online IDE (Am I right?). I found The problem is that proved too slow, even for really simple tasks such as opening and reading a page with Mechanize.
Have you any ideas on what I should use for writing, saving and running web scraping scripts online?
Bear in mind that I can not save or run scripts using command line at work. I need something online.
Sounds like is exactly what you need. It even has some great scraping modules for python built in.
ScraperWiki is a free tool that allows you to write scrapers in Python (and other languages). It then provides the data as an API or download as well as offering some display tools as well. Their environment isn't bad for writing scripts in - but it is not like working on your home machine.