
Tomcat Tuckey UrlRewrite to rule issue

My problem is this, I have issues with similar looking rules in my urewrite.xml file, in the fact that the first rule will work, but similar rules that follow will not. Here is an example:



The first rule works, the second does not, the reason for which escapes me. If I manually visit test.jsp?makeID=640&modelID=3747 the page works, if I try Test-Porsche-911_991-3.4_Carrera.jsp the page does not appear, simply generates an error log specifying parameters are missing.

I hope somebody can assist me before I pull all my hair out.


  • The matching text of the first rule, Porsche-911_991-3.4_Carrera.jsp, is a substring of the matching text of the second rule. As a result, the second URL is gone.

    Use the caret metacharacter to distinguish between the two URLs:


    Reversing the order to put the more specific URL first would work as well:
