I have am writing a script to list the quota of all the users in my LDAP directory. For this,
I use ldapsearch
with the appropriate filters to get a list of my usernames in a file. Next I run that file through a while loop which reads the file line-by-line and uses a here
document to send the username to the cyrus shell. This is what the loop looks like:
while read userName;do
cyradm -u cyrus -w my_cyrus_password localhost << sample
lq user/$userName
where lq
is the cyradm command to list quota for a user.
I need to output the username and its corresponding quota into a file. How do I do that from within the loop?
Hope you tried this ->
while read userName;do
echo $(cyradm -u cyrus -w my_cyrus_password localhost << sample
lq user/$userName
) >> outfile