
Dynamic input is not recognized in struts2-jquery tags

In my application i need to change the content of the <s:textfield> dynamically my code is given below:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $.subscribe('before', function(event, data) {                
        $('#text').val('Text Changed by jQuery');

<s:form id="form2" action="textchange" >        
    <s:textfield id="text" name="text" value="Hello World!!!"/>                                                        
    <sj:submit  targets="result" onBeforeTopics="before" />

my expecting output is

Text Changed by jQuery

but I'm getting

Hello World!!!

I'm using Struts2-jQuery-plugin 3.5.1. How to get the dynamic output?


  • NOTE: This is not the best way to do that.

    But remove subscribe and onBeforeTopics attribute. Add id to submit button and bind click event to it.

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $("#form2Submit").click(function() {   
          $('#text').val('Text Changed by jQuery');
    <s:form id="form2" action="textchange">        
      <s:textfield id="text" name="text" value="Hello World!!!" />                                                        
      <sj:submit id="form2Submit" targets="result" />

    Any other way. Using <sj:a> tag with subscribe.

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $.subscribe('before', function(event, data) {        
          $('#text').val('Text Changed by jQuery');
    <s:form id="form2" action="textchange">        
      <s:textfield id="text" name="text" value="Hello World!!!" />                                                        
      <sj:a targets="result" onClickTopics="before" formIds="form2" button="true">