
Perforce P4CONFIG not being set?

Firstly i'm a total beginer with Perforce, and i'm learning through its documentations mostly.

So, we are about to migrate from CVS to Perforce, and i recently learned a good way to avoid changing the P4CLIENT for each workspace, which is creating a P4CONFIG file inside the workspace root.

So i have used the command:

p4 set P4CONFIG=p4config

(and my current directory is my workspace root, and the p4config.txt is located there)

in my p4config file i have the following:


i have already created 'myWorkspace' with the command 'p4 client' mapping to myworkspace root and its alright.

However when i try the command

p4 info

it shows my 'client name:' as my hostname, showing that the variable haven't been set.

and when i try 'p4 set P4CONFIG' it prints:

P4CONFIG=p4config.txt (set) (config 'noconfig')

I've tried with my p4config.txt full path, and still gets the same...

Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?

By the way, it's running on Windows.


  • If the file is 'p4config.txt', then you should do

    p4 set P4CONFIG=p4config.txt


    p4 set P4CONFIG=p4config

    You'll know it's working when 'p4 set' prints "(config 'p4config.txt')".