
AngularJS: How to use or inject thirdparty lib in AngularJS

I'm new to Angular and Deployd and wondering how to use them together.

I found the example in Deployd website nice, but it's only consuming rest API data and I'd like to understand how to have Deployd as a service inside AngularJS. For example, keeping all of the clients API up-to-date with the collection's latest data with collection events available in deployd.

I came up with the example below, where we can see that I'm using $resource to consume the rest api, but inside the controller "MyCtrl", I'm calling dpd, that I'd like to use to take advantage of features such as

I'd really like to see some examples, or any advice concerning this!

Thanks for looking :)

angular.module('questions', ['ngResource'])

.factory('Deployd', function(dpd){
  return dpd;

.factory('EntriesService', function($resource){
  return $resource('/entries', {});

.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', 'EntriesService', function($scope, EntriesService) {

  $scope.title = "Q&A Module";

  $scope.entries = [];

    $scope.entries = response;       

  $scope.addMessage = function() {
        author: "myAuthor",
        message: $scope.message
        author: "myAuthor",
        message: $scope.message


  dpd.comments.get(function(comments, error) {
    comments.forEach(function(comment) {



  • I found a solution. This may be helpful in the future for someone else:

    angular.module('questions', ['ngResource'])
    .factory('Deployd', function(){
      return dpd;
    .factory('EntriesService', function($resource){
      return $resource('/entries', {});
    .controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', 'EntriesService', 'Deployd', function($scope, EntriesService, Deployd) {
      $scope.title = "Q&A Module";
      $scope.entries = [];
        $scope.entries = response;        
      $scope.addMessage = function() {
        var author = "myAuthor";
        var message = $scope.message;
          author: author,
          message: message
        }, function(comment, error) {
          if (error) {
            return showError(error);
            author: author,
            message: message
      Deployd.entries.on('create', function() {
          $scope.entries = response;        