I want to design a logging function with the following characteristics:
I'm inclined to use boost::format because of its automatic type conversion. But here are some problems I see:
Its syntax is a little awkward: format("Mgr %s on pid %d is in state %s" % mgr % pid % s)
is a little hard on the eyes (the list nature of the variables isn't as evident without commas). A log invocation would look like this:
mylog(INFO, format("Mgr %s on pid %d is in state %s" % mgr % pid % s));
What's worse, is it even possible to implement mylog() to check if we're logging INFO messages before the format object is constructed?
The other approach I thought about, which looks closer to printf, would be
mylog(INFO, "Mgr %s on pid %d is in state %s", mgr, pid, s);
or even
mylog_info("Mgr %s on pid %d is in state %s", mgr, pid, s);
The implementation would be something like:
mylog(int severity, string pattern, ...) {
if (severity >= LOGLEVEL) {
boost::format fmt(pattern);
for parm /* remaining parameters */ {
fmt % parm; // feed into format one at a time
This certainly defers construction of the format object until it's needed. But from what I can tell, there's no way, when traversing a variable argument list, to tell when you've reached the end!
Can someone suggest a syntactically simple technique of accomplishing this?
Note: I have g++ 4.4, which does not support all of c++11 (although it does support variadic templates)
You can use variadic templates and recursion.
Note: Since you mention GCC 4.4, this feature is available for that compiler, but it is not enabled by default. You have to add either the
option to the compiler to enable the feature.
A solution could be implemented as something along these lines:
// Does the actual logging of the formatted message
void mylog_r (int severity, boost::format &fmt) {
std::cout << "[" << severity << "] "
<< fmt
<< std::endl;
// Unpacks the variadic arguments one at a time recursively
template <typename T, typename... Params>
void mylog_r (int severity, boost::format &fmt, T arg, Params... parameters) {
mylog_r(severity, fmt % arg, parameters...); // recursively unpack
// This version of mylog() checks severity and converts fmt to boost::format
template <typename... Params>
void mylog (int severity, std::string fmt, Params... parameters) {
if (severity < LEVEL) return;
boost::format bfmt(fmt);
mylog_r(severity, bfmt, parameters...);