
Command Object and hasmany

I'm trying to use the commandObject to validade my data when I submit my form. Can I validate a hasMany relation in commandObject. My cenario is something like this.

Tow simple classes whith hasMany relationship:

class Book{
    String nameBook

class Author{
    String nameAuthor
    static hasMany = [books:Book]    

Simple commandObject with hasMany that i want to validate when submit form.

class MyValidateCommand{

    String nameAuthor
    static hasMany = [books:Book]

    static constraints = {
        nameAuthor nullable:false
        books nullable:false


Ps: I know that this commandObject is wrong, it don't compile. But can I do something like this ???


  • hasMany in GORM is used for association in Domain objects. In case of command objects it will be a lucid approach to have different command objects for each domain (for example: AuthorCommand and BookCommand) and the command object would look like:

    import org.apache.commons.collections.list.LazyList
    import org.apache.commons.collections.functors.InstantiateFactory
    //Dont need this annotation if command object 
    //is in the same location as the controller
    //By default its validateable
    class AuthorCommand{
        String nameAuthor
        //static hasMany = [books:Book]
        //Lazily initialized list for BookCommand
        //which will be efficient based on the form submission.
        List<BookCommand> books = 
                LazyList.decorate(new ArrayList(), 
                                  new InstantiateFactory(BookCommand.class))
        static constraints = {
            nameAuthor nullable:false
            books nullable:false
            //Let BookCommand do its validation, 
            //although you can have a custom validator to do some 
            //validation here.