Can any one explain me how secondary sorting works in hadoop ?
Why must one use GroupingComparator
and how does it work in hadoop ?
I was going through the link given below and got doubt on how groupcomapator works.
Can any one explain me how grouping comparator works?
Grouping Comparator
Once the data reaches a reducer, all data is grouped by key. Since we have a composite key, we need to make sure records are grouped solely by the natural key. This is accomplished by writing a custom GroupPartitioner. We have a Comparator object only considering the yearMonth field of the TemperaturePair class for the purposes of grouping the records together.
public class YearMonthGroupingComparator extends WritableComparator {
public YearMonthGroupingComparator() {
super(TemperaturePair.class, true);
public int compare(WritableComparable tp1, WritableComparable tp2) {
TemperaturePair temperaturePair = (TemperaturePair) tp1;
TemperaturePair temperaturePair2 = (TemperaturePair) tp2;
return temperaturePair.getYearMonth().compareTo(temperaturePair2.getYearMonth());
Here are the results of running our secondary sort job:
new-host-2:sbin bbejeck$ hdfs dfs -cat secondary-sort/part-r-00000
190101 -206
190102 -333
190103 -272
190104 -61
190105 -33
190106 44
190107 72
190108 44
190109 17
190110 -33
190111 -217
190112 -300
While sorting data by value may not be a common need, it’s a nice tool to have in your back pocket when needed. Also, we have been able to take a deeper look at the inner workings of Hadoop by working with custom partitioners and group partitioners. Refer this link also..What is the use of grouping comparator in hadoop map reduce