
Bootstrap glyphicons appearing as squares

I'm running Rails 4 with the 'twitter-bootstrap-rails' gem (2.0.5) and some reason beyond me glyphicons appear solely as squares. The rest of bootstrap seems to be working fine. I've tried adding font-awesome directly but to no appeal. Any ideas on what cause bootstrap to function fully with the exception of glyphicons?

group :development do
 gem 'better_errors'
 gem 'binding_of_caller'
 gem 'meta_request'
 gem 'twitter-bootstrap-rails'
group :assets do 
 gem 'twitter-bootstrap-rails'
#for the sake of redundancy
gem 'font-awesome-rails'


  • Well I managed to resolve this with

        *= require font-awesome

    in my css file but am still confused as to why the twitter-bootstrap functioned with only the exception of the icons.