
How to get Tweets using Twitterizer in

I am using twitterizer2 to login twitter using am able to login using twitterizer,but unable to get the tweets from my timeline which are tweeted by me and othres too.


  • Twitterizer is not maintained anymore and not compatible with Twitter API 1.1.

    Details about Twitter API 1.1: blog

    From Official page:

    Will applications using Twitterizer stop working?

    Not right away, no. I have no power to stop the code or binaries that are already in use from working, nor would I want to. However, the current version of Twitterizer uses version 1.0 of the Twitter API which is scheduled for death in March 2013. At that time, I cannot speak to any functionality.

    What am I supposed to do now?

    As I see it, you have three options: jump to a new library, make Twitterizer your own, or roll your own.

    Twitterizer source code will remain available in its current state. I encourage you to download the source and make it your own.

    If you'd rather not take that on, there are a couple of other fantastic libraries. For example: Linq2Twitter and TweetSharp

    As said above you need to find a new library compatible with Twitter API 1.1, as Linq2Twitter or TweetSharp.