I'm just learning vb and have some problems in outputting specific checked items in my text box. I've tried a lot of ways but still can't get the right one, maybe I forgot something?
Private Sub submitBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles submitBtn.Click
Dim output As String
Dim listOfProd As String
listOfProd = ""
output = "Selected Region: " + destination.Text + Environment.NewLine + "Seleted Place: " +
places.SelectedItem + Environment.NewLine + "Accomodation: " +
accomodation.Text + Environment.NewLine + "Products Selected: " + Environment.NewLine
For i As Integer = 0 To products.Items.Count
If products.Items(i) Is products.CheckedItems Then
listOfProd = listOfProd + products.Items(i)
End If
output = output + listOfProd
outputHere.Text = output
Instead of looping through and determining which check box list items are checked, just use the CheckedItems
collection, like this:
' Loop through only the items that are checked
For Each itemChecked In products.CheckedItems
' Get the text of the selected item and append it to the output string
listOfProd = listOfProd + itemChecked.ToString()