
How to scroll up one line in terminal?

When I enter several lines command and the cursor is at the end of the last line. But I if I want to edit the last line command, how can I do it. For now I can only type several times till I reach the beginning of the line and then move to the line above.

The command is like this:

➜  src git:(master) ./configure --with-features=huge \
>                   --enable-rubyinterp \
>                   --enable-pythoninterp \
>                   --enable-perlinterp \
>                   --enable-cscope


  • If you want to move the cursor inside the line itself, try ShiftCtrl & ShiftCtrl, and if you want to jump between commands, just try .

    More shortcuts:

    Ctrl + A or Home take you to the beginning of the line.

    Ctrl + E or End take you to the end of the line.

    Alt + B take you left (back) one word.

    Alt + F take you right (forward) one word.

    More information here: The Keyboard Shortcuts for Bash