
Handling exceptions in express

I'm having trouble understanding how to handle something that it seems like would be a pretty basic aspect of express. If I have some code that throws an exception in an async callback, there is no way I can catch that exception because the try/catch block is no longer in scope by the time the callback is running. In these scenarios the browser will hang until it eventually give up stating that the server is unresponsive. This is a very bad user experience. I would much rather be able to immediately return a 500 error to the client. The default express error handler apparently does not handle this situation. Here is some sample code:

var express = require("express");

var app = express();
//express error handler (never called)
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {

app.get("/test", function(req, res, next) {
    require("fs").readFile("/some/file", function(err, data) {
        a.b(); //blow up


In the above code, the line a.b() throws a "ReferenceError: a is not defined" exception. The defined error handler is never called. Notice that the err object returned by fs.readFile() is null in this case because the file was correctly read. The bug is the code inside the async handler.

I have read this post about using node's uncaughtExpception even, but the documentation says not use that method. Even if I did use it, how would I then send the 500 response back to the user? The express response object is no longer around for me to use.

So how do you handle this scenario?


  • OK, I'm just going to post an entirely different answer since my first answer has some valuable information but is off topic in hindsight.

    The short answer: the correct thing to do is what already happens: your program should print a stack trace and exit with an error.

    The underlying thinking:

    So I think you need to think about errors in different categories. My first answer deals with data-related errors that a well-written program can and should handle cleanly. What you are describing is a CRASH. If you read the node.js documentation you linked to, it is correct. The only useful thing your program can do at this point is exit with a stack trace and allow a process supervisor to restart it and attain an understood state. Once your program has crashed, it is essentially unrecoverable due to the extremely wide range of errors that could be the root cause of an exception getting to the top of the stack. In your specific example, this error is just going to continue happening every time until the source code bug is fixed and the application is redeployed. If you are worried that untested and buggy code is going to get into your application, adding more untested and buggy error handling code isn't really addressing the right problem.

    But in short, no, there's no way to get a reference to the HTTP request object that caused this exception so AFAIK you cannot change the way this is perceived by the end user in the browser, outside of handling this at an intermediate reverse proxy layer where you could configure a crude timeout and send a more friendly error page (which of course would be useless for any request that isn't for a full HTML document).

    The Bible of Error Handling in Node

    Error Handling in Node.js by Dave Pacheco is the definitive work on this topic in my opinion. It is comprehensive, extensive, and thorough. I recommend reading and re-reading periodically.

    To address @asparagino's comments, if an unhandled exception is easily reproducible or happening with high frequency, it's not an edge case, it's a bug. The correct thing to do is improve your code to not generate uncaught exceptions in face of this situation. Actually handle the condition, thus converting a programmer error into an operational error, and your program can continue without a restart and without an uncaught exception.